Ad hoc groups of MPEG 147
Name | AhG on Compression of Neural Networks for Multimedia Content Description and Analysis |
Group | WG 4 - MPEG Video Coding |
Mandates | 1. Maintain data sets and INCTM
2. Collect further application and performance reports of NNC
3. Continue interaction with SC42, SG16/Q5, 3GPP SA4, NNEF, ONNX and the AI/ML community
4. Collect use cases and data for applying NNC to generic tensor data |
Chair(s) | Werner Bailer (chair,
Sungmoon Chun (vice-chair, |
Duration | until next MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | Email to: |
Meeting | October 18, 2024, 0500 UTC (online) | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on IoMT and MPEG-V |
Group | WG 7 - MPEG Coding of 3D Graphics and Haptics |
Mandates | 1) Advance in preparing IoMT RS for the new technologies
2) Solicit further contributions for distributed processing of multimedia content with AI
3) Study technical contribution for extending MPEG-V Part 4 (Virtual World Object Characteristics) |
Chair(s) | Mihai Mitrea, Sang-Kyun Kim |
Duration | Until the next MPEG WG7 Meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe |
send an email to |
Meeting | Sun before meeting, 9am-1pm | Room Size | 20 |
---| | |
Name | AhG on Carriage of Green Metadata |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | 1. Investigate uses and improvements of display power reduction metadata.
2. Study 23001-11 DAM 2 for new display power reduction metadata and solicit contributions to improve it.
3. Contribute to the development of ISO/IEC 23001-10 AMD 2 related to carriage of display adaptation metadata.
4. Work on and improve the text of consolidated text on carriage of green metadata. |
Chair(s) | Edouard Francois (InterDigital), Christian Herglotz (BTU) |
Duration | Until next MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | – use [green] in email header |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Several online sessions before the next MPEG meeting if necessary | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on Video-based Graphics Coding |
Group | General/All |
Mandates | • Conduct activities to improve V-PCC Reference SW
• Propose corrections for identified issues in the V3C and V-PCC specifications
• Coordinate scientific and technical dissemination of V-PCC and V-DMC
• Coordinate communications of V-PCC to fairs, exhibitions, workshops, webinars
• Solicit contributions to encapsulate V-PCC in scene graph
• Release new version of the V-DMC test model (SW and documentation) during the editing period
• Conduct the V-DMC experiments
• Coordinate the Joint Exploration Experiments 4 and 5
• Coordinate preparing responses to NB comments to CD text
• Solicit contributions on V-DMC conformance
• Solicit additional data sets for all categories including multiple attributes |
Chair(s) | Ralf Schaefer (Chair), Khaled Mammou, Danillo Graziosi |
Duration | Until the next MPEG WG 7 Meeting |
Reflector(s) | mpeg-3dgc AT gti. ssr. upm. es |
Subscribe | To subscribe, send email to |
Meeting | Several online sessions before the next MPEG meeting to be announced on the 3DGH reflector ASAP (avoid Friday before the next MPEG meeting) | Room Size | |
F2F meeting Sunday before the next MPEG meeting (from 9h00 to 18h00) | |
Name | AhG on Geometry-based Point Cloud Compression |
Group | General/All |
Mandates | 1. Coordinate the editing for the G-PCC 2nd edition
2. Update the TMs (SW and documentation) during the editing period
3. Conduct the G-PCC experiments for future enhancements
4. Coordinate scientific and technical dissemination of G-PCC as well as communications of G-PCC to fairs, exhibitions, workshops, webinars
5. Solicit additional data sets for all categories
6. Solicit contributions to adapt Point Cloud Compression methods for Gaussian Splatting coding |
Chair(s) | Hyejung Hur, Sébastien Lasserre, Yingzhan Xu |
Duration | until the next MPEG WG7 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | to |
Meeting | Several online sessions during the week before the next MPEG meeting. | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on MPEG-I Immersive Audio and Audio Maintenance |
Group | WG 6 - MPEG Audio Coding |
Mandates | 1. Execute Workplan on MPEG-I Immersive Audio
2. Study and progress the integration of MPEG-I Immersive Audio into MPEG-I Scene Description
3. Maintain Audio-related text, conformance data and reference software
4. Prepare verification test and demonstrator |
Chair(s) | Thomas Sporer (FhG-IDMT) thomas.sporer at (Mandates 1,2,4)
Schuyler Quackenbush (ARL) srq at audioresearchlabs . com (Mandate 1, 2)
Christof Fersch (Dolby) christof.fersch at (Mandate 3)
Sujeet Mate (Nokia) Sujeet.mate at (Mandate 2) |
Duration | Until next WG 6 Meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | • To subscribe or unsubscribe to the list, send email to the AhG Co-Chair Schuyler Quackenbush
• To post on the mailing list, send email to mpeg-audio-call@
Note that posting is blocked for non-members
Note that email list will change after next meeting |
Meeting | | Room Size | |
WG6 zoom AhG meetings as follows:
Joint with Scene Description to discuss common architecture:
• See Scene Description AhG meeting schedule
October 30 – 31 (Wed, Thu), 2024, 1300-1700 UTC
(October 31 only if needed)
1) Documents to be discussed in the October 30/31 AhG must be registered and uploaded no later than October 24 2359 UTC | |
Name | AhG on Audio Coding for Machines |
Group | WG 6 - MPEG Audio Coding |
Mandates | 1. Identify Industries and Use Cases for ACoM
2. Promote Call for Interest on ACoM
3. Continue to work on the UseCases and Requirements document
4. Collect test material for ACoM
5. Prepare CfE for ACoM |
Chair(s) | Sang-Wook Kim (CAU) swkim4 at
Thomas Sporer (FhG-IDMT) thomas.sporer at |
Duration | Until next WG 6 Meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | | Room Size | |
Online AhG meeting: 2024-10-29 1200-1400 UTC
Additional online AhG meetings might be announced via the Email reflector two weeks in advance.
Zoom link:
It is expected that document registration and upload deadline is Thu October 24 2359 UTC | |
Name | AhG on Syntactic Description Language |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | - To review the open issues on MPEG Git and prepare relevant disposition
- To review exploration and solicit contribution to improve it.
- To solicit input on implementation guidelines and examples |
Chair(s) | Youngkwon Lim |
Duration | Until the 17th MPEG Systems WG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | | Room Size | |
- one conference call in the week of 9/9
- to be announced through the reflector | |
Name | AhG on Omnidirectional MediA Format (OMAF) |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | 1) Study the agreed technical solutions which are incorporated in OMAF DAM on server-side dynamic adaptation and consider if any modifications are needed.
2) Study the TuC of OMAF.
3) Study the TuC of immersive media metrics.
4) Study requirements of MPEG-I phases 2 and 3 especially in relation to OMAF.
5) Maintain relationship with relevant SDOs (e.g., 3GPP SA4). |
Chair(s) | Sachin Deshpande, Ye-Kui Wang, Youngkwon Lim |
Duration | Until the next WG3 Meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Before MPEG meeting with 2-week notice (if needed) | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on Smart Contracts for Media |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | 1. Solicit industry participation and contributions for ISO/IEC 23000-23 Decentralized Media Rights Application Format based on ISO/IEC 21000-23 Smart Contracts for Media taking into consideration the latest AI regulatory developments.
2. Study and solicit contributions (e.g., technologies and APIs) for ISO/IEC 23000-23 Decentralized Media Rights Application Format in the areas: a) Smart contracts and DLTs; b) Rights and metadata management; c) Content and creator IDs; and c) File formats and streaming protocols.
3. Enhance collaboration with liaisons (e.g., ISO/TC 307/WG3, ITU-T Q.22/SG16, INATBA, W3C DIDs, ISO/TC46/SC9/WG18 ISCC and EC) and conduct further dissemination activities (e.g., Digital Asset Management WG - Metaverse Standards Forum).
4. Study and improve the WD of ISO/IEC 23000-23 Decentralized Media Rights Application. |
Chair(s) | Panos Kudumakis and Mirko Zichichi |
Duration | Until the 148th MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Biweekly calls starting Wed 31 July 2024, alternatively at 13:00 & 15:00 UTC (2 h) | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on Market Needs |
Group | WG 2 - MPEG Technical Requirements |
Mandates | Metaverse-related activity
1) Identify existing MPEG technologies that can serve metaverse-related experiences. (provide use cases and associated technical analysis)
2) Identify potential needs in the metaverse context for efficient media coding technology and related systems technologies. In particular - Enhancements to existing standards - New activities.
3) Prepare for dissemination the outcome of 1 & 2 to metaverse-related fora (e.g., Metaverse Standards Forum) and the public, including the production of a white paper.
Object Wave compression
4) Run the market needs analysis on object wave compression |
Chair(s) | Gilles Teniou, Tencent (
Justin Ridge, Nokia ( |
Duration | Until the next MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | 23rd Sept. 2024 12:30pm-2pm UTC (Metaverse white paper) | Room Size | |
3rd Oct. 2024 7am-8:30am UTC (scope Object Wave Compression) | |
Name | AhG on MPEG-AI |
Group | WG 2 - MPEG Technical Requirements |
Mandates | Technical report on MPEG-AI
1.Define the MPEG vision on AI
-How AI will be used? (compression, other tasks, configurations…)
-Identify challenges for AI in compression
2.Identify and document AI-related activities (Technologies and applicable use cases) within MPEG as candidate parts of the MPEG-AI project
3.Collect associated working assumptions (seek inputs from other WGs)
4. Collect requirements (from mandate 2) related to AI for multimedia
AI indication
5. Investigate the AI indication and marking methods for media |
Chair(s) | Gilles Teniou, Tencent (
Dong Tian,InterDigital ( |
Duration | Until the next MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | To be announced on a 2 weeks notice | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on Feature Coding for Machines |
Group | WG 4 - MPEG Video Coding |
Mandates | 1. Develop and release updated FCTM software, anchors, and CTTC.
2. Conduct Core Experiments.
3. Conduct FCTM studies (FE1-3 on training, CTTC, GPU stability, respectively.)
4. Investigate remaining causes of discrepancy in FCTM simulations and propose solutions.
5. Continue to refine Common Test and Training Conditions.
6. Solicit additional training datasets.
7. Study methods to support network and split point-agnostic architecture.
8. Study potential FCM bitstream structures.
9. Study on complexity of current FCTM. |
Chair(s) | Chris Rosewarne (Canon)
Yuan Zhang (China Telecom) |
Duration | Until the next MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | - 30th September :Online meeting on FCM bitstream structure discussion
- AHG on Saturday all day (2nd November) | Room Size | 50-70 |
| |
Name | AHG on compressed video for study of quality metrics (CVQM) |
Group | AG 5 - MPEG Visual Quality Assessment |
Mandates | 1. Select learning-based video codecs and prepare bitstreams coded with these learning-based codecs for phase 2 subjective quality study;
2. Process and analyse subjective viewing results from CVQM phase 1 study and prepare a draft summary report;
3. Study the correlation between objective quality metrics and subjective quality scores in the CVQM dataset;
4. Study the suitability of learning-based quality metrics for evaluating compression performance. |
Chair(s) | Yan Ye (Alibaba), Zhibo Chen (BJZK), Benjamin Bross (Fraunhofer HHI), Mathias Wien (RWTH Aachen University) |
Duration | until the next AG 5 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Meetings are held online and are to be announced at least two weeks before the AHG meeting date. | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on multi-layer video coding verification testing |
Group | AG 5 - MPEG Visual Quality Assessment |
Mandates | 1. Prepare a test plan for verification testing of MPEG multilayer video
2. coding technologies based on industry usecases.
3. Study coding performance and characteristics of available and proposed video test material.
4. Prepare and conduct expert viewing for purposes of subjective quality
5. evaluation of multilayer coding technologies and update the test plan according to the outcome.
6. Study and coordinate with JVET and WG 4 on encoder settings for multilayer coding technologies under test. |
Chair(s) | Kenneth Anderson (Ericsson), Olena Chubach (Mediatek), Lorenzo Ciccarelli (V-Nova), Philippe de Lagrange (InterDigital) |
Duration | Until the next AG 5 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Meetings are held online and are to be announced at least two weeks before the AHG meeting date. | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on Guidelines for Subjective Visual Quality Evaluation |
Group | AG 5 - MPEG Visual Quality Assessment |
Mandates | 1. Maintain the output document on “Guidelines for verification testing of visual media specifications”;
2. Maintain the output document on “Guidelines for remote expert viewing sessions”;
3. Consider extensions and refinements of the guidelines for remote expert viewing for more test types.
4. Finalize a guideline for the naming conventions for raw video data. |
Chair(s) | Mathias Wien (RWTH Aachen University), Lu Yu (Zhejiang University), Joel Jung (Tencent) |
Duration | until the next AG 5 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Meetings are held online and are to be announced at least two weeks before the AHG meeting date. | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AHG on Systems Technologies for Volumetric Media |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | 1. Study and solicit contributions to improve WD of 23090-10 2nd edition.
2. Study reference software and conformance for 23090-10 and 23090-18 and solicit contribution to improve them.
3. Discuss open issues in MPEG Git and propose recommended dispositions
4. Study commonalities among 23090-2, 23090-10 and 23090-18 and propose a plan to revise the specification to use common metadata definition in 23090-7 |
Chair(s) | Youngkwon Lim, Lauri Ilola |
Duration | until the 17th MPEG Systems WG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | | Room Size | |
- two conference call regarding mandate 1.
- to be announced through the reflector | |
Name | AhG on Authenticity for media |
Group | WG 2 - MPEG Technical Requirements |
Mandates | 1. Study how to authenticate media
2. Provide an overview of media authentication methods available from academia and standardization organizations (e.g., C2PA, JPEG Trust).
3. Define use cases for the media production chain.
4. Solicit inputs from experts from WG3, 4, 5, 6. |
Chair(s) | Yuan Zhang (China Telecom), Jonathan Pfaff (Fraunhofer HHI), Christof Fersch (Dolby) |
Duration | Until MPEG 148 |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | 2 conference calls to be announced. | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on Video Decoding Interface |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | 1. To study TuC and WD, and solicit contributions to improve it
2. To solicit implementation of VDI extension for OpenMAX, MSE, WebCodec, or Vulkan.
3. Communicate with 3GPP and Khronos on the API extensions and other relevant topics related to VDI |
Chair(s) | Youngkwon Lim, Emmanuel Thomas, Thomas Stockhammer |
Duration | Until the 17th MPEG Systems WG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on AI based 3D graphics coding |
Group | WG 7 - MPEG Coding of 3D Graphics and Haptics |
Mandates | - Start evaluation of the AI-PCC CfP responses and prepare recommendations for the next MPEG meeting
- Conduct exploration for improved rendering and evaluation method |
Chair(s) | Dong Tian
Alexandre Zaghetto
Vladyslav Zakharchenko |
Duration | Until the next MPEG WG7 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | In person meetings in MPEG meeting local time:
Nov 3rd: 0900-1700 | Room Size | 50 |
| |
Name | AhG on Lenslet Video Coding (LVC) |
Group | WG 4 - MPEG Video Coding |
Mandates | 1. Finalize the common test condition for CfP, including selection of sequences and rate points
2. Coordinate with AG5 for subjective test of CfP evaluation in the next MPEG meeting
3. Update the Reference Lenslet content Converter (RLC3.0) with the new optimizer
4. Prepare the CfP document |
Chair(s) | Mehrdad Teratani (Co-chair, Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Xin Jin (Co-chair, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School) |
Duration | Until next MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Online AhG meetings:
• Mid-August 2024: Confirm the availability of the datasets and new RLC
• Mid-September 2024: Arrange viewing session with AG5
• Mid-October 2024: if needed | Room Size | 20 |
Viewing session: Saturday or one day during the MPEG week
F2F: Sunday before the MPEG week
Time: 9:00 – 13:00 local time | Zoom link to be announced |
Name | AhG on MPEG immersive video |
Group | WG 4 - MPEG Video Coding |
Mandates | 1. Prepare text of ISO/IEC DIS 23090-12 MPEG immersive video 2nd edition
2. Prepare Conformance and reference software for MPEG immersive video 2nd edition
3. Define common test conditions for MPEG immersive video
4. Generate and report on MPEG immersive video CTC anchor
5. Participate in Video-based visual volumetric coding joint exploration experiments
6. Study new technologies for immersive video coding
7. Promote MPEG immersive video outside of MPEG
8. Prepare manual of the Quality Metrics for Immersive Video (QMIV) software |
Chair(s) |, Bart Kroon (Chair), Dawid Mieloch (Vice-chair) |
Duration | Until the next MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | Announcements:
Offline discussion: |
Subscribe | Email to: |
Meeting | No physical meetings. | Room Size | 20 |
September 24, October 29, 30
All 15:00 UTC (90 min) | Meeting ID: 957 8481 1689
Password: MPEGIVisua |
Name | AhG on scene-based media interchange |
Group | WG 7 - MPEG Coding of 3D Graphics and Haptics |
Mandates | 1. Complete specification of “independent mapping space”;
2. Complete mappings between glTF 2.0 and the Independent Mapping Space;
3. Extend the independent mapping space to either identify or fill in “gaps” that exist between the IMS and glTF 2.0;
4. Complete the definition of a normative data model to label scene graphs and assets with the entities of the Independent Mapping Space (cf. m64065), and include this model in an Annex to the CD text for Part 28;
5. Add a new annex to describe annotation using JSON and XML commenting process;
6. Complete the text of DIS for Part 28 and submit for balloting;
7. Continue to refine the work plan for Part 28;
8. Continue experiments and tests related to the test data and test methodologies for scene-based media interchange;
9. Perform the tests already completed and documented for SMI to include the same tests with one or more additional renderers;
10. Continue to collect test data for scene-based media interchange;
11. Prepare the TuC for Part 28 in order to capture technologies that are moved from the DIS of Part 28 for subsequent completion in a future amendment to Part 28;
12. Contribute toward the merge of SMI requirements into the MPEG-I requirements document);
13. Continue to refine the requirements for SMI and submit updates to MPEG 148;
14. Continue to solicit industry engagement. |
Chair(s) | Arianne T. Hinds (, Euee Jang ( |
Duration | until the start of MPEG 148 |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Biweekly teleconference calls starting on Thursday 8 August 2024 from 14:00 to 15:30 UTC.
In person on Sunday prior to the start of the next MPEG meeting, from 12h to 16h | Room Size | 10 |
Start time for meetings may vary based on agreement by participants that the meeting time should be changed, e.g., to better accommodate participants from Asia or Europe. Additional meetings as needed and scheduled, to be announced no less than two weeks in advance on the reflector. | Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 867 1421 2667
Passcode: 118303 |
Name | AhG on MPEG DASH |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | 1. Study and prepare recommendations to address the 6th edition DIS 23009-1 (WG03Nxxx)
2. Study and prepare recommendations to address the 2nd DIS of 23009-9 (WG03Nxxx)
3. Improve the Annex text for signaling DASH descriptors and attributes in ISOBMFF KindBox
4. Study technologies under consideration (TuC; WG03Nxxx) and defects under investigation (DuI; WG03Nxxx)
5. Study the display attenuation maps in DASH’s preselection mechanism (m69043)
6. Continue to work on conformance and reference software |
Chair(s) | Iraj Sodagar, Christian Timmerer, Ali C. Begen |
Duration | Until the next MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Two conference calls:
1. 18th of September, 8-10am PT
2. 18th of October, 8-10am PT | Room Size | |
Zoom link to be provided in the MPEG calendar. | |
Name | AhG on MPEG Use Cases and Requirements |
Group | WG 2 - MPEG Technical Requirements |
Mandates | 1. Support other Working Groups with the preparation of draft requirements and use case descriptions in a unified way.
2. Gather such requirements and use case descriptions for final refinement and approval by WG2.
3. Progress the development of MPEG-I Phase 3 requirements, include references to MPEG-I requirements defined elsewhere in their own documents, progress the merge of SMI and MPEG Media Avatar requirements and revisit section on part 14 requirements coverage.
4. Progress guidelines on the drafting of WG2 requirements. |
Chair(s) | Mary-Luc Champel, Xiaomi (
Igor D.D Curcio, Nokia ( |
Duration | Until next meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | 09/26 3.30-5.30pm CET on Requirements for carriage of Depth and Alpha | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on Haptics Coding |
Group | WG 7 - MPEG Coding of 3D Graphics and Haptics |
Mandates | Phase 1:
1. Deliver CRM5.0 Integrated Reference and Conformance software and Ensure maintenance of the code
2. Solicit contributions to improve the current reference software algorithm as part of EE4
3. Evaluate feasibility for a technical report (TR) for Phase 1 codec
4. Support File Format ISOBMFF and DASH for ISO/IEC 23090 part 32 for Haptics to progress to FDIS and for the new conformance part
Phase 2:
5. Finalize the reference and conformance software for MPEG-I SD Amd2/Haptics conformance
6. Collect test content for the 5 defined scenarii
7. Solicit contributions for EE1, EE2 and EE3 for Phase 2 |
Chair(s) | Philippe Guillotel (
Iraj Sodagar (
Quentin Galvane ( |
Duration | Until next MPEG meeting |
Reflector(s) | – use [Haptics] in email header |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Calls Aug. 07 + Aug. 28 + Sep. 18 + Oct 09
Face to face meeting Nov. 02 from 14h to 18h | Room Size | |
at 1400 UTC. Dial-in details: | |
Name | AhG on Implicit Neural Visual Representation (INVR) |
Group | WG 4 - MPEG Video Coding |
Mandates | 1. Investigate state of the art in implicit neural 2D/3D video representation
2. Carry out exploration experiments on implicit neural 2D video representation and compression
3. Carry out exploration experiments on implicit neural 3D visual representation and compression for monocular and multi-view videos
4. Carry out joint exploration experiments on Gaussian representation and compression with WG7
5. Gather 2D/3D video datasets to use as test materials
6. Prepare the use cases and requirements document for neural video and 3D Gaussian representation and compression |
Chair(s) | Yiyi Liao (Co-chair,
Gun Bang (Co-chair,
Alexandre Zaghetto (Co-chair, |
Duration | Until next WG4 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | 3rd November (afternoon), in person | Room Size | 60 |
28th August (1pm-3pm UTC), online
16th October (1pm-3pm UTC), online
29th October (1pm-3pm UTC), online | Zoom(To be announced) |
Name | AhG on Application Formats |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | CMAF (Common Media Application Format)
1. Study the WD, and solicit further input
2. Solicit feedback on the open issues on GitHub and GitLab, in particular on Metadata Tracks
MIAF (Multi-Image Application Format)
3. Study the WD, and solicit further input
4. Solicit feedback on the open issues on GitLab
MeMAF (Messaging Application Format)
5. Study the requirements, working draft and solicit further input, in collaboration with 3GPP SA4.
6. Solicit feedback on the open issues on GitLab and GitHub |
Chair(s) | Krasimir Kolarov; Cyril Concolato; Thomas Stockhammer |
Duration | until 148th meeting |
Reflector(s) | CMAF -
Subscribe | CMAF -
Meeting | AHG Meeting:
o Call Sept. 26, 2024 16:00 – 17:30 CET (14:00 - 15:30 UTC)
o F2F Nov. 03, 2024 10:00 - 12:00 Local time | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on MPEG File Formats |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | 1. Discuss and address the Github and Gitlab issues.
2. Support the groups using the file formats (including audio, DASH, CMAF, OMAF, MIAF, V3C systems, Haptics, NBMP et al.)
3. Study the Technologies under Consideration, including to propose trimming of outdated proposals, and Working Draft documents and propose improvements. Study the defect reports and propose corrigendum text.
4. Study the proposed clarifications on the definition of brands and the use of versions, particularly in the ISO base media file format, and suggest improvements.
5. Maintain and update the conformance streams, reference software, white papers and one-pagers, and registration authority, as needed. Study whether conformance checking can be (maybe partially) automated, and how the specifications and conformance can be managed as a coordinated workflow. Study the license of the reference software and possible change of license or alternatives.
6. Study processes to improve cross-verification of MPEG file format standards and continue the discussion on m60397
7. Study the extension to the codecs parameter for NALU-based tracks |
Chair(s) | Cyril Concolato and Miska Hannuksela |
Duration | Until next meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | • Online meeting on Codecs Parameter and Layered HEVC (Sept between 3rd and 10th (included))
• Online meeting on Signaling Common Encryption features through brands (early Oct)
• Online meeting on DASH/CMAF/FF (end of Sept) | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AhG on on Video Coding for Machines |
Group | WG 4 - MPEG Video Coding |
Mandates | 1. Prepare output documents.
2. Release VCMRS v0.10 software.
3. Conduct Core Experiments
4. Continue developing VCM technologies.
5. Continue developing VCM WD.
6. Continue investigating evaluation methodologies, metrics, and cross-check procedure.
7. Continue collecting and refining test and training materials, including ground truth.
8. Collaborate with the WG4 FCM AhG and WG5 AhGs 8.
9. Conduct study of the common test conditions. |
Chair(s) | Shan Liu (
Chris Rosewarne ( |
Duration | Until next WG4 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Face-to-face all day: Sunday November 3. | Room Size | 60 |
Early Sept online meeting anticipated on Study of CTC. Additional online meeting(s) as required. Exact time and date TBD at least two weeks in advance. Invite WG5 to the additional online meeting(s). | |
Name | AHG on MPEG-I Scene Description and Avatar Representation Formats |
Group | WG 3 - MPEG Systems |
Mandates | 1. Work with the audio group WG06 on progressing the integration of MPEG-I audio into the MPEG-I SD
2. Progress the work as agreed taking into account the technologies in the TuC in WG03_N1208
3. Progress the standardization process for Avatar based on the procedures in WG03_N1316 including the collection of Test Scenarios and Test Assets.
4. Solicit input for the WD of Avatar Representation Formats, including exchange format compatibility with deployed proprietary formats, representation formats, storage formats, animation data and additional functionaties.
5. Dispose issues in internal and public git environment
6. Collect/coordinate test assets that support the development of the MPEG-I Scene description.
7. Create conformance files to be shared with the FF group
8. Submit the Second Edition extensions to Khronos
9. Work on conformance and reference software based on procedures
10. Extend the Gltf validator to address the MPEG_ extensions, and follow up with Khronos to integrate our reference software to
11. Collect information on ongoing scene description related work in the promote MPEG-I Scene Description, in particular to Khronos, Metaverse Standards Forum, 5G-MAG and 3GPP
12. Solicit input on 3D scene generation using Generative AI, including use cases, existing workflows and technologies, and work in other organizations
13. Collect scenarios, test assets, and select Phase 3 requirements in scope of XR Spatial Computing of real environment and collaborate with 3GPP as needed. |
Chair(s) | Thomas Stockhammer (
Mary-Luc Champel (
Gaëlle Martin-Cocher ( |
Duration | Until MPEG#148 |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe |
Please check gitlab discussions here:
Please check public github discussions here: |
Meeting | AHG Meetings
• Call: Monday September 9, 2024 13:30 – 15:00 UTC (15:30 – 17:00 CEST)
o From 15:15 UTC onwards WG06 joins for Audio.
o Additional participation of WG06 will be discussed during this slot
• Call: Monday October 7, 2024 13:30 – 15:00 UTC (15:30 – 17:00 CEST)
• F2f: Sunday November 3, 2024 13:00 – 18:00 local
• 3GPP SA4#128, August 19 – 23, 2024 (online)
• Thomas vacation August 1 – 4, August 24 – Sep 3
• IBC, Sep 13 - 16, 2024 (Amsterdam)
• MPEG#148, November 4-8, 2024, Antalya, Turkey
• Zoom:, Passwd as of MPEG#147
• Chairs create issues in gitlab to collect comments.
• If MPEG#148 repository is not yet available, use MPEG#147 repository.
- Subscription link for MPEG AHG Calls:
- Public link for MPEG AHG Calls | Room Size | 40 |
| 40 |
Name | AhG on Font Format |
Group | General/All |
Mandates | 1. Review the text of the Committee Draft of ISO/IEC 14496-22 5th edition (WG03N01187) and prepare and submit CD comments via members’ National Bodies. |
Chair(s) | Vladimir Levantovsky (Type Standards) |
Duration | Until next meeting |
Reflector(s) |; |
Subscribe | |
Meeting | Zoom conference call may be held, if necessary (detailed information will be posted to the AHG reflector) | Room Size | |
| |
Name | AHG on Genomic Information Representation |
Group | General/All |
Mandates | 1. To contribute to the execution of the Core Experiments identified in Description of Core Experiments on Graph Genomes N210 To contribute to the development of a 3rd edition of 23092-4 and 2nd edition 23092-5 to support Part 6 and the new technologies identified by the answer to the call for technology
2. To contribute to the development of a 3rd edition of 23092-3 on the relationship of Part 3 metadata and protection to Part 6 annotations and related metadata through CE6 and update to the APIs to support Part 6
3. To finalize the reference software annex to 23092-4 3rd edition
4. To compile common test conditions for the evaluation of MPEG-G performance
5. To collect additional test data useful to be used for assessing technologies
6. To disseminate the information and coordinate the activities carried out by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 8 to other ISO TCs, GA4GH and other organizations
7. To contribute to the specification of TC215/SC1 assessment of relevant standard and roadmap
8. To contribute to the further development of the Performance Benchmarking study and related publications.
9. Investigate use cases and standard support from ISO TC34 SC16 and SC9 in collaboration with ISO TC 34 members
10. Continue the survey and study the advantages and disadvantages of existing genomics security and privacy practices and standards, to identify list of relevant organizations and people |
Chair(s) | Raymond Krasinski (Philips)
Paolo Ribeca (Bioss) |
Duration | Until the next WG8 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | To subscribe, send email to |
Meeting | Yes | Room Size | 12 |
As needed, virtual meetings for the coordination of the development of the reference SW and performance benchmark may be scheduled on zoom with the appropriate advanced notice. An Ad Hoc virtual meeting on Zoom preceding the next MPEG meeting will take place on Thursday October 31th at 14:00 CET to 17:00 CET. A face to face meeting will take place on Sunday November 3rd at 3PM to 6 PM Turkey local time (GMT +3). | |
Name | AHG on MPEG-G Profiles |
Group | General/All |
Mandates | 1. Collect requirements for profiles based on use cases
2. Extend, perform, and evaluate core experiments
3. Determine the impact of the profiles on MPEG-G compression performance
4. Draft the specifications of profiles for Part 1, part 2 and Part 6 Amendments |
Chair(s) | Yeremia Gunawan Adhisantoso (Leibniz University Hannover), Patrick Cheung (Philips NL) |
Duration | Until the next WG8 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | To subscribe, send email to |
Meeting | Yes | Room Size | 10 |
Virtual meetings to work on the mandates will take place on Thursday, September 5th 14:00-16:00 CET and on Thursday October 10th 14:00-16:00 CET. As needed, other virtual meetings may be scheduled with the appropriate advanced notice. A face to face meeting will take place on Sunday November 3rd at 1 PM to 3 PM Turkey local time(GMT +3). | |
Name | AHG on the support of ISO 23494 |
Group | General/All |
Mandates | 1. Progress in the identification of relationships between TC 276 ISO 23494 [Biotechnology – Provenance information model for biological material and data] and ISO/IEC 23092-3
2. Investigate technical approaches to implement the mutual support of ISO 23494 and ISO/IEC 23092 standard series
3. Identify the steps and the normative requirements to implement such support
4. Investigate how persistent identifiers could be used in both standards to support linking of provenance information and genomic information |
Chair(s) | Jaime Delgado (UPC)
Joerg Geiger (Uni-Wuerzburg) |
Duration | Until the next WG8 meeting |
Reflector(s) | |
Subscribe | To subscribe, send email to |
Meeting | Yes | Room Size | |
As needed, virtual meetings for the execution of the mandates may be scheduled on zoom with the appropriate advanced notice. An Ad Hoc virtual meeting on Zoom preceding the next MPEG meeting will take place on Thursday, October 31th at 1:00 CET to 18:00 CET. | |
Ad hoc groups from other meetings:
MPEG 149, MPEG 148, MPEG 147, MPEG 146, MPEG 145, MPEG 144, MPEG 143, MPEG 142, MPEG 141, MPEG 140, MPEG 139, MPEG 138, MPEG 137, MPEG 136, MPEG 135
Download the current ad hoc group rules for MPEG AGs and WGs here: