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Third AG4 Workshop on JPEG and MPEG Emerging Activities

Third AG4 Workshop on JPEG and MPEG Emerging Activities
•Purpose: to continue the exchange of information and discussion of JPEG and MPEG emerging activities where there is potential for collaboration.
•Chairs: Igor Curcio, Fernando Pereira
•Time: 1st June 2023 (Thursday), 12:00-14:00 UTC
•Zoom link:

•Workshop Program
Opening Part 1: –AI-based video Coding, Elena Alshina –Neural Network Compression, Werner Bailer
–Coding for DNA Storage, Marc Antonini
–Event-based Vision, Tim Bruylants
–Scene-based Interchange and Support of Immersive Displays, Arianne Hinds
Part 2: Panel discussion coordinated by Igor Curcio and Fernando Pereira