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ISO/IEC 23007
Rich media user interfaces

Specification of the exchange, the display, the control and the communication of widgets with other entities and for data format for advanced user interaction (AUI) interfaces to support various advanced user interaction devices.. MPEG-U provides a general purpose technology with innovative functionality that enable its use in heterogeneous scenarios such as broadcast, mobile, home network and web domains


Part: 1
MPEG-U provides normative interfaces between Widgets and Widget Managers (entities managing the widget life cycle) to allow Widgets from different service providers to run, communicate and be transferred within a unique framework.

Advanced User Interaction (AUI) Interfaces
Part: 2
The standard defined an interface for advanced user interaction

Conformance and Reference Software
Part: 3
This standard provides conformance and reference software for widget extension and Advanced User


Publication dateTitle
2013-04-26MPEG-U Widgets One-Pager
2013-04-26White Paper on MPEG-U